Laminated and
Multi-laminated beams:
Elevating excellence in construction
Advanced structured solutions for high-demand projects, combining strength, design, sustainability, and precision in every detail.

Wood with value
New laminated and multi-laminated beams represent the evolution of construction, offering the perfect combination of strength, sustainability, and design, making them an excellent choice for wood construction.
Graded Wood
Thanks to new technologies, professional commitment, and the philosophy of continuous improvement and excellence, our Multi-laminated Beams are individually
Classified according to the IRAN 9662-1 standard, and then by their strength grade in G1 and G2, according to the IRAM 9660 standards.
These values are verified in the mechanical testing laboratory according to IRAM 9663, determining their properties and characteristic values so that professionals, architects, and builders can correctly dimension each component of a structure according to the CIRSOC regulations.

G1 Characteristics
- 1" thick laminates
- High-density side wood
- Small knot size
- No presence of pith
- Wood without stains
G2 Characteristics
- Laminates with thicknesses of 3/4" - 1" - 1 1/2" - 2"
- Central and side wood
- Medium knot size
- Accepts wood with pith
- Light stains with filler laminates

- Laminated Columns Designed to support vertical loads, ensuring stability and safety.
- Multilaminated beams G1: Ideal for ridge beams or main beams, with high load capacity.
- Multilaminated beams G2: The difference with G1 is that they can be used in the same way, but with less span between supports because the modulus of elasticity and rupture is lower than that of G1.
- Vigas LAM: Precise structural solution for mezzanines or purlins.
- Bilateral Wood Frame: Perfect for vertical framing, offering a faster and more sustainable assembly option.
- Classification according to IRAM 9660 standard: G1 and G2 multi-laminated pine beams, bonded with fibers parallel to the longitudinal axis, ensuring maximum structural strength.
Featured projects
- Columnas Laminadas: Diseñadas para soportar cargas verticales, garantizando estabilidad y seguridad.
- Vigas Multilaminadas G1: Ideales para cumbreras o vigas maestras, con gran capacidad de carga.
- Vigas G2:
- Vigas LAM: Solución estructural precisa para entrepisos o cabios.